Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The Tun Sakaran Marine Park off Semporna is Sabah's newest and largest Marine Park. Gazetted in 2004 to protect the area's spectacular features and rich biodiversity, it comprises 8 islands and over 100 km of reef. It is also the only marine protected area in Sabah to include private land and have a resident population who rely on the marine resources for their livelihood. Seaweed farming and fishing ( with a permit) are them main occupations of the community, although alternative livelihoods including eco-tourism are being investigated. The central islands are part of an extinct volcano with peaks reaching 450m above sea level and the crater has become a lagoon, now inundates by the sea. The low-lying outer islands are a complete contrast with beautiful white sand beaches and coconut palms.

Fringing reefs encircle each of the 8 islands and there  are also two patch reefs (Church Reef and Kapikan/Tabbah Kumai) and one bank reefs are great for critter hunting however the Park is also refuge for 7 species of giant clam (Tridacnidae), including the critically endangered T.gigas which can reach over 1m in length.

The park is under the management of Sabah Parks and visitors are required to register at the Sabah Park office in Semporna or via their tour agent. There is currently no overnight accommodation in the Tun Sakaran Marine Park but there are a number of dive companies based in Semporna running daily diving to the park.

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