Monday, December 30, 2013

Bird Watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve

Bird in Tabin

Tabin Wildlife Reserve is a dedicated ground for the breeding of wildlife and birdlife in Sabah, eastern Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. With its 120,500 hectares of mostly lowland dipterocarp rainforest, the largest wildlife reserve in Malaysia holds extraordinary biodiversity. The three largest mammals of Sabah the Sumatran rhino, Borneo Pygmy elephant, and Tembadau make Tabin their home. Nine species of primates including the Silver Langur, Grey Langur, Banded Langur, Bornean Gibbon, Pig Tailed Macaque, Long Tailed Macaque, Western Tarsier, Slow Loris, and Orang-Utan are found here, as well as four species of cats; Leopard Cat, Flat-headed Cat, Marbled Cat and Bornean Clouded Leopard. All of these are in the protected wildlife list.

Tabin is a bird-watcher's paradise as the forest of Tabin attracts an amazingly rich diversity of birds, including rare and endemic species, due to the abundance of food plants here. The relatively  low canopy with sufficient naturals lights makes birding and photography a delightful experience.

About 42 indigenous families representing more than 260 species have been recorded here including all the 8 of Sabah's Hornbill species ; Black Hornbill, Rhinoceros Hornbill, Wreathed Hornbill, Pied Hornbill, White-crowned Hornbill, Wrinkled Hornbill, Bushy-crested Hornbill and Helmeted Hornbill, and many others; Blue-headed Pitta, Black-and-crimson Pitta, Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, Temminck's 
Sunbird, Purple-throated Sunbird, Everett's White-eye, Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker.  Rarely seen species such as Storm's Stork, Jambu Fruit Dove, Large Green Pigeon, White-fronted Falconet, Great-billed Heron and Giant Pitta. 

The Lipad Mud Volcano

Tabin has several mud volcanoes and salt-water springs that are high in minerals of importance to wildlife. Frequently visited by animals and birds, the mud volcanoes are ideal locations to view wildlife or find evidence of their visits. 

Lipad mud volcanoes is the one nearest to the main base. The endemic Black-and-Crimson Pitta and Blue-headed Pitta has been sighted along the trail leading to the mud volcano. After jungle-trekked for twenty minutes, arrive at the elevated bare area of the mud volcano. Try to identify the multitude of animals footprints here. Those adventurous can experiment the effect of the volcanic mud said to be responsible for fine complexion. Walk up the observation tower and admire the contrasting landscape of the bare area and its surrounding thick forest. 

Finsh's Bulbul and Black-throated Wren-babblers, White-crowned Forktail, Dark-throated Oriole, Malaysian Blue Flycatcher are some species that can be seen around the area. A nearby fig-tree is a busy feasting place for hornbill and other birds and primates during the fruiting season. Across the observation tower, bare branches of towering trees are favourite perching place for Green Imperial Pigeon, Large Green Pigeon and Jambu Fruit Dove with its wonderful coloured chest.

The Road to Core Area & Tomanggong road

Walking along the Tomanggong road is likely to yield a superb bird list. The Giant Pitta has been sighted along this road. The Whited-fronted Falconet, Long Tailed Parakeet and Orange-backed Woodpecker well as Red-naped Trogon, Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker may be sighted. You will most likely be to observe the presence of Long-tailed Macaque and Orang -Utan along this road. 

The Core Area lies in the heart of Tabin Wildlife Reserve.It is an undisturbed primary lowland dipterocarp rainforest that can only be reached through a few days' trekking.

Walking along the road leading to the core area, You will be entertained by wild birds songs and the calls of Bornean Gibbons. On some bare tree trunks, busy Dollarbird can be found along with Rufous Woodpecker, Bronzed Drongo, and Blue-Crowned Hanging Parrot. Speckled Piculet, Chestnut- capped Thrush, White-fronted Falconet, Long-Tailed Parakeet, Black Eagle, and Black Magpie are some of the species that can seen along this road. The abundance of wild ginger plant attracts a colourful varieties of birds, including the Orange-bellied Flowerpecker, Temminck's Sunbirds,Purple-throated Sunbird, Red-throated Sunbird, Thick-billed Spiderhunter, Grey-and-Buff Woodpecker. This area would also be the best place to look for the very rare Bornean Bristlehead.

Good places for bird watching

Around the resort

Explore the vicinity of the resort and you will be pleasantly suprised by the abundance of bird life found here. The Sunbird Cfe is wonderfully surrounded  by greenery and flowering plant that attracts a number of brightly coloured birds. Sipping you coffee, your eyes will be kept busy following active species such as the Black-backed Kingfisher, Blue-eared Kingfisher, Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker, Red-throated Sunbird, Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, Large Green Pigeon, Dusky broadbill and Black-and-Yellow Broadbill. Be entertained by the melodious calls of Black Magpie in the nearby ground.

A bird hide built facing the flowing Lipad Rivers provides a wonderful site for the viewing of birds. Huge boulders in the river are favourite place for Oriental Darter, Stork-billed Kingfisher and Lesser Fish Eagle to perch especially after the rain. Happy family of Otters; Small-clawed Otter and Smooth-coated Otter have been seen up and down this part of the river and delights guest.

Take a stroll along the road nearby the resort. White-bellied Munia and Dusky Munia can be commonly found in the bushes. A family of Lesser Coucal sometimes makes their appearances here. The rare Storm's Storks have made Tabin their home and can sometimes be seen. You will most likely be able to see one or more the eight species of hornbill in Borneo such as Black, White-crowned, Rhinoceros, Wreathed, Oriental Pied and Wrinkled Hornbills either flying in groups across the sky, or in pair perching on bare branches. Let the guide share with you the tales and origins of the Helmeted Hornbill calls. 

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